Monday, February 27, 2012

Day 58 - O da Bolinha

Ok so I know this is a completely stupid reason to smoke... but I love to pop the little ball that is in the butt. =) and it taste great after that. Oh and when I go buy them I cannot ask for a pack of lucky strike, no, I have to make sure to pronounce it Loo-key Str-eye-key. It was annoying at first because it is in English and I wanted to say it in English.


  1. Totally a stupid reason to smoke. Buy bubble wrap.

    1. ummm... ok, i concur buble wrap is stimulating, however, smoking plastic would kill me even sooner... and you are?

    2. You stated that you smoke because you "like to pop the little ball that is in the butt"...I think that poppinb bubble wrap would be a better alternative to satisfy your need to pop and not take a chance of giving yourself cancer or causing premature aging.

    3. This is true, however, bubble wrap is an extremely rare commodity to come by down here. But I will be actively looking for less life hindering alternatives. =)

  2. Adoroo estourar essas bolinhas! Já cheguei ao ponto de abordar um desconhecido e pedir para estourar!
