Saturday, February 4, 2012

Day 35 - Guacamole

Device: Nikon D3100
Lens:  50mm f/1.8
Focal Length: 50mm
Aperture: f/4.5
Shutter Speed: 1/10 sec
ISO Sensitivity: ISO 3200
Location: São João del-Rei, Minas Gerais, Brasil

You know those movie scenes when someone wakes up next to a beautiful complete stranger? Well, that was me today; I awoke to this breathtakingly beautiful girl next to me. However I also awoke with a massive hangover as a result of mixing beer, cheap wine, and vodka. However, the awesomeness was short lived for the walk home was long and bright… and I did not have my sunglasses. Any who, I got home showered and fell dead asleep. Later that day a bunch of my friends wanted to get together to make some guacamole and tortillas – so the adventure began. At around 10pm we got started. We got six massive avocados and all the other necessary ingredients and got to work. It was so nice to have some homeland delicacies the night was a success. Made some new friends, met up with old friends and we all ate to our hearts content. This picture was us in mid process of completing the guacamole. 


  1. nossa! e ficou muito bom! vc já experimentou guacamole?

  2. sei, sei mesmo de q vc ta falando. Eu achava, e ainda acho, a vitamina de abacate muito esquisita. Não sou muito fã mesmo. =)

  3. quando eu vou comer guacamole, hein??? quero tanto!
