Saturday, February 11, 2012

Day 42 - Birthday Boy

Device: Nikon D3100
Lens:  18-55mm f/3.5-5.6
Focal Length: 36mm
Aperture: f/5.0
Shutter Speed: 1/60 sec
ISO Sensitivity:400
Location: São João del-Rei, Minas Gerais, Brasil

ok sorry for the delay but today was a very fast day and I was not home much. It was, my friend, Rodrigo’s birthday and the first day of pre-carnaval… so the drinking started early. So other friends and I went to his house to eat some churrasco and start the inebriation process. After there we went to the centro for the bloco, my first one, it was packed and hard to get around –but I was no longer sober so I did not care. We stayed there until about 8:30 and then took off. We headed towards Casterritas, which is not really the city’s name – apparently it’s a nickname, there we partied all night like a two in the morning it started raining – and guess who got soaked? Yep me, with so many people there I had nowhere to take refuge so I just got some pinga shots and beers and continued in the rain. Anyway, the next day I woke up naked and hungover… hahaha. It really isn’t as bad as it sounds.  I was not going to sleep in wet clothes and well the hang over is from like 12 hours of continuous drinking.
In the picture I tried to capture Rodrigo taking a very satisfying gulp of beer on a very hot day.


  1. Você que tem medo de chuva.... você não é nem de papel... muito menos feito de açúcar, ou algo parecido com mel, experimente tomar um banho de chuva... e conhecer a energia do céu, a energia dessa água sagrada, que nos abençoa da cabeça aos pés...Chuva peço que caia devagar !
