Monday, February 6, 2012

Day 37 - Something Yellow

Device: Nikon D3100
Lens:  50mm f1.8
Focal Length: 50mm
Aperture:  f/1.8
Shutter Speed: 1/2000 sec
ISO Sensitivity: 100
Location: São João del-Rei, Minas Gerais, Brasil 

So I have been procrastinating going home, because it is about a mile and a half away, but today have to go home. I have not gone home I like almost 3 days. I have to go do some chores and just be by myself, as much fun as it is to socialize it is equally necessary to be alone. On my way home today I was passing by the bus station and saw this massive tree with a beautiful contrast of yellow and green. I love the greenery around here, the fruits as well today I had a huge mango, it was so delicious but I felt like a little kid eating it because I got all messy, but seriously, who does not get messy eating mangos.


  1. Amarelo lindo mesmo!
    E engraçado essa rlação que vc fez entrea manga q você comeu e as flore amarelas... sabia que existe um filme brasileiro chamado Amarelo Manga? ahaha

  2. it makes me happy :) (insert sigh)
