Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Day 17 - Balanced Meal

Device: Nikon D3100
Lens: 50mm F/1.8D
Focal Length: 50mm
Aperture: F/1.8
Shutter Speed: Multiple Exposures - HDR
ISO Sensitivity: ISO 1600
SW: CS5 (HDR Photo Merge)
Location: Austin, Texas

Today was supposed to be a relax day… but apparently I do not know how to drive. I backed up and broke the driver side mirror. This turned my relaxed day into a hectic one. I ventured out to run my many errands; however, I forgot my camera at home. I went to the junk yard – this would have produced a disgustingly beautiful picture. On my way home, I was re-introduced to REAL traffic, not that pseudo-Las Cruces-traffic. A normally 30 min drive took me over an hour and a half. Moreover, the entire drive home I kept thinking “I should have brought my camera. We are going so slow I could get off and take a picture before we start moving again.” Alas, I had to come up with a creative image here at home. This is it… for me, growing up, no meal was complete without beans and rice – a truly balanced meal.


  1. então não são só brasileiros q comem rice n beans? nice.

  2. rsrsrs eu acho q são todos os latinos

  3. haha! at my grandmas house even when we make spaghetti we have to make rice..

    1. i look at the bright side... at least there was something that remained constant in my childhood. =)

  4. I eat it everyday!
    Hey, now you know you that you have to take your camera wherever you go...

  5. ow, você deveria ter usado a camera do seu celular no carro, pensando bem. Fotos de celulares de hoje em dia são excelentes...

  6. Mel e Felipe, eu acho q é uma das coisas chaves de ser Latino, nunca falta. =)
