Sunday, January 15, 2012

Day 15 - Little Mr. Lincoln

Device: Nikon D3100
Lens: VR VR 55-200mm F/4-5.6G (+17 macro filter)
Focal Length: 55mm
Aperture: F/22
Shutter Speed: 1 sec
ISO Sensitivity: ISO 100
Location: Austin, Texas

Today I slept in very late – and it felt good. It is so nice not having to wake up early for anything. I had this vontade, this urge to take a picture of something really small that most people miss. I took some pictures of small flowers, an apple up-close, and some critters outside, none of which made the cut. Finally, I remembered Little Mr. Lincoln, and wondered how many of you were aware of his presence and had actually seen him on the reverse side of a penny. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you Little Mr. Lincoln on his grandiose cathedra.


  1. Cara, juro que eu pensei que era alguma coisa grande quando vi pela primeira vez...

    1. nada... é bem pequenho mesmo! muita gente nem percebe q ta ai

  2. I love this one! Things that make you go hmmm
