Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Day 73 - Crepes

So today, March 13th, I made plans to meet up with Silvia at a pizza/crepe restaurant, which were simple plans being that it was in my neighborhood. But, alas, I always manage to screw things up, one way or another – it’s a gift, what can I say? I looked it up on google maps and thought I had it memorized, I ventured out on foot and arrived at a pizza joint but guess what? Yep, it was the wrong one. So I asked them if they knew where there was a pizza/crepe place and he looks at me and asks “are you on foot?” I, of course, respond yea. Then he gives me this you-poor-bastard smirk and tells me its waaaay down the street. So I ended up walking like two miles and I was already running late. I get to the end of the street and I still can’t find the place, and to make matters worse I didn’t have Silvia’s number so I couldn’t call her to tell her I was lost. Right about when I was going to give up and go home I received a text from Silvia telling me that she is already at the place and that she is going to order because she got tired of waiting and was starving. After that she tells me how to get to the place and I finally make it. I was about an hour late and she was halfway through her crepe. I learned two things today; 1st don’t trust google maps (however, this can be debated because I did search the wrong place), 2nd crepes can be salty, too (I could have sworn they were just sweet, at least that’s the only kind of crepe I had tasted before).
It was delicious!  


  1. Oh gods!!!!
    I laugh since the first line. hahaha
    Yes, crepes can be salty also, and it was delicious. Someday I'm going to show you another nice creperie with special toppings, ok?!
